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Christopher Vester

I am a bold man who acts with integrity and from love, standing as a beacon pointing to God’s grace and mercy.
I am the Visionary and COO of Hubert Vester Auto Group.  My goal is to provide a positive experience for everyone that we serve, both Employees and Customers, by enriching the lives of everyone we touch.  By pouring into our community and community partners, we are able to show up differently and create space for people to feel seen, heard, and loved.  It’s our passion to serve that leads everything we do.  
I am passionate about creating leaders, those that can first lead themselves well and then steward others towards the same goal.  I often say I want our company to be known as a leadership development company disguised as an auto dealer group.  I believe that if we walk out our calling, we will not only be fulfilled but also allow God to get the glory through our story.
I love people and want to see everyone find fulfillment.

Dr. Suzanne Vester

Hey there!  My name is Suzanne.  I am a steadfast anchor living in purpose and on purpose serving wherever my feet are.  My husband, Chris, and I have three daughters and an American Bully named Blu.
I have worn many hats over my professional career from Mental Health Counselor to Integrative Nutrition Coach to Biblical Naturopath.  It’s this last hat, Biblical Naturopath, that I am most at home in.  Holistic approaches to your health and well-being not only give a full spectrum image of what in your life needs to be addressed (physically, spiritually, emotionally), but they are also essential for you to live fully in health and wellness while honoring your body.  Becoming a Biblical Naturopath was driven by my own need to step fully outside of our medical system which only offered options to lessen symptoms and step into the root cause discovery and on to foundational solutions.
It’s my core belief that our bodies were divinely created to thrive. As a Biblical Naturopath, I operate in a separate and distinct healing art, which uses noninvasive natural medicine.  We focus on the “New & Good” daily.

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